Monday Made It {Finally!}

I'm so excited that I'm FINALLY able to link up to one of my favorite teacher-hero's fun linky! I've overcommitted myself this summer to things I really would rather not be doing- like taking college courses! I would much rather be creating fun things for Monday Made It! Luckily, I was able to get a few fun things accomplished last week! 
I've wanted to make my own teacher toolbox to match my classroom decor for a long time, and I finally made one! This freebie pack has two versions- one with chalkboard and one without. I added an editable version too. Click on any of the pictures to grab this freebie file! Hopefully this will keep my desk clutter-free! (I can hope, right?)
I love the little square one I bought on Amazon last summer. I included purchasing info in the file, in case you wanted to grab one for yourself! The drawers are the same dimensions as the large one. I think I will have this one sitting near my volunteer table! They will love having goodies at their fingertips!
Since my district has 1:1 devices now, I wanted to make cute posters to teach them the classroom "rules" or agreements, as I am going to refer to them. After teaching them, I will leave them up for students to refer to. 
I made a set in brights and primary colors, with blackline included. There are posters that say iPad, device, and tablet. I've become quite obsessed with Melonheadz kids. They are so adorable! Owls may have to take a backseat in my classroom this year! 


  1. I love the square toolbox! I don't use a desk so that would be perfect

    1. Thank you! I think I will be putting it on the counter behind my desk!

  2. Your toolbox labels are adorable. You are so talented.

  3. I love your chalkboard writing on the toolbox and would like to use the same font. Would you mind telling me what font you used for it? Thank you!! :)

    1. Thank you Amanda! I used KG Second Chances Sketch. You can find it here:
      It has two fonts in one download- the Sketch one I used and a Solid! Let me know if you need anything else!

  4. Love it! I really like the chalkboard look.

  5. The KG fonts are so great! I love both your Made Its - thanks for sharing:)
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