It's hard to believe our last chapter is here! That end to my summer! But that's ok- I'm looking forward to implementing Daily 5 in my classroom this year.
Our last chapter addresses using Daily 5 under special circumstances such as challenging students, substiute teachers, new students, and parent volunteers. I like that the book opes with "We deal with each one firmly grounded in our core beliefs of community, accountability, trust, and respect." Those are great words to live by in any situation! Below are my take aways form this chapter.
Challenging Students:
- AKA "Barometer" Students
- Children will be successful if we help them and give them tools to be successful.
- Be sure to fully teach the 10 Steps to Independence.
- Stay Out of the Way! (I really need to remember this!)
- Be sure these students have good fit books.
- If behaviors continue, have the student stay in for a few minutes at recess to practice appropriate behaviors for Daily 5 and acknowledge correct behavior. This is practice, not punishment. Do this for a few days if necessary.
- If behaviors still persist, the student may need more support. He/she may need to sit in a special spot and use fidget tools such as clay. A sand timer can help the student build stamina. The student can keep a personal stamina chart.
- If necessary, do quick check-ins with the student.
Substitute Teachers:
- Write detailed Daily 5 lessons plans ahead of time and use them each time you have a substitute.
- It's important to keep routines as normal as possible when you have a sub.
New Students:
- When new students arrive, review the I-Charts with the entire class.
- Give the new student a buddy or buddies to learn the procedures from. The new student shadows the helpers.
- Parents may have concerns about a new language arts structure.
- Explain the structure, procedures, expectations, and outcomes of Daily 5 to parents.
My Biggest Take Aways:
- Trust yourself!
- Trust your students!
- Constantly reflect on your teaching.
- Take the time to teach The 10 Steps to Independence- it's not a race!
In case you missed our other Daily 5 book study weeks, be sure to check the posts below. Make sure to visit the other bloggers who are linked up on the bottom of each post, because many of them have taught Daily 5 before and have some amazing ideas (and freebies, too!)
Chapter 1: How Daily 5 Has Evolved
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