We were Owled a few days before Halloween! I found this adorable felt owl bag outside our classroom door filled with candy and a note telling us to pass it on- along the lines of getting "booed". I have one student who doesn't celebrate Halloween, and of course I love owls, so this idea just popped into my head.The kids loved it!
On Halloween Day, we spent part of the day doing language arts centers. I used some of Amanda's of One Extra Degree's Too Cute to Spook Halloween Centers and some of my own creations. (One of which is a common/proper and singular/plural freebie in my TPT store if you like!) The students practiced common/proper and singular/plural nouns, contractions, spelling and vocab review, and fact and opinion practice. Each group had a buckets or felt bags to sort their cards- they love and appreciate the little touches so much! The kiddos were having so much fun, I don't think they realized they were they actually working!
Here is Learning Resources's Magic Hat and One Extra Degree's cards for vocab practice. The kiddos grab a card out of the magic hat and give the synonym, antonym, and definition.
We began an author study of Chris Van Allsburg. I remember seeing this idea on someone's blog, but I don't remember whose it was! If you know, please tell me so I can give them credit! If you don't know the book version of these posters, read here. I learned my lesson from last year and pulled out a few of the scarier posters (like the one you see here on the cover. Some of my kiddos had nightmares after this lesson!) Then I had them displayed around the room, divided the kiddos into groups, and gave them a clipboard and paper and asked them to infer what was going on in each poster. You could also turn down the lights and give them flashlights, but I didn't want to scare anyone. They were hooked!
I hope you found some useful ideas that you can Pin and use next year!

I wish I were a teacher so I could use all these fun ideas!!!!