Daily 5 Summer Book Study Chapter 1

Welcome to the first chapter of our Daily 5 Summer Book Study of The Daily 5 Second Edition by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser, A.K.A. "The 2 Sisters." This first chapter is hosted by Brenda from Primary Inspired. Be sure to check out her post and others' from our D5 Book Study. And be sure to click on the picture below if you are interested in ordering your own copy of Daily 5. 
I began my Daily 5 journey about two years ago. I have never fully implemented D5, but I really want to next year. I have taken bits and pieces of Daily 5 and CAFE, the assessment piece the authors use during D5, and used them in my classroom. I thought this book study would be the perfect way to ease into full implementation of D5 next year!

If you haven't ever heard of Daily 5, it is a way to create routines and procedures for your students to increase their independence so you can work with groups or individuals. I love that the students aren't just completing worksheets and busy work that I pass out, but they have a choice in their learning and they work on meaningful activities and practice while you are working with those who need extra support. Everyone gets what they need and students have more buy in because they have choice in the activities they complete!

The first chapter covers how the Daily 5 has evolved and how it's different from centers or readers workshop. It tells the differences between the first and second editions of the books and how the authors made many discoveries after writing their first book, and the changes they made. One of the first differences is they no longer do all five rounds of Daily 5 each day. To be honest, I was never able to do five rounds a day. Now they are recommending starting with two or three rounds, depending on your students' ages. The Sisters also changed how they introduce the Daily 5 choices. They still begin with Read to Self, but now suggest Work on Writing as the second Daily 5 choice instead of Read to Someone. 

The Sisters have also added a math component called Math Daily 3 to their teacher toolbox. This will be discussed in detail in chapter 8. 

The following chapters of Daily 5 will be discussed on the dates below:

We hope you will join us in the next month and a half as we embark on our Daily 5 journey! Be sure to tune into the blog on the dates listed above to learn more about Daily 5! See you on Thursday to discuss chapter 2! Head over to Primary Inspired to see what she and the others have to say about chapter 1! 


  1. I'm so excited to tune in to study this book. Thx!!

  2. Hello all. This is my very first time actually participating in a "live" blog. I am a K teacher who will be implementing D5 this upcoming school year. (In part because I want to and in part because my school administrator wants me to...long story...) I understand that the "invite" was for grades 1+, but I need the support. I had heard about D5 previously in PD sessions I've attended and really never thought it would be appropriate or even doable in K. After much searching and reading, I believe that it IS the way to go. I never read the first book. I have read all of the bloggers comments and thank you all for sharing. I very much look forward to spending the next several weeks with such an inspiring group of educators. :-). PS: I did not comment on Primary Inspired because I didn't know how and do not know who to post comments other than as "anonymous" .... Just more Homework for me before next week ;-)... Sorry...

    1. Welcome and thank you for joining us Mary! Let me ask around and see if there are other K teachers out there who have used Daily 5 and can give you some helpful advice. I'm sure it can be adapted to K in some way. And I know what you mean- there is so much to learn in the bloggy world, but luckily there are so many nice and helpful people to guide us along the way! :)

    2. Mary Anne T. You have inspired my book study blog posts. I teach Kindergarten. I have used Daily 5 in its pure form in a half-day program. We are now full-day and I now use some portions and elements of D5 because of my district's push for more in-depth differentiation. But I am going to try and give a kindergarten perspective each chapter. Look for my link - Mrs. St. John's Small Wonders - but I also encourage you to read as many of the links as you can. I love getting all different views on a topic.


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